Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My Kids are great! Really!

I am a stay at home mom, and as such, I find myself disciplining a lot and yelling a lot. Some days are worse than others. There are many days that are like this:
On those days, I feel like I have no positive interactions with my kids and that really frustrates me. And (surprise) everything about parenting is harder when you add a child. Now, the above picture is my almost 2-yr-old having a hard time. This happens often lately. Besides the fact that he is really living up to the terrible twos thing through his curiosity (really I am not sure whether to blame the terrible twos or the fact that Curious George is his hero), he also has had a couple super stressful things happen lately; a new sister and a cross country move. Really, we have flipped his world upside down, and it has obviously been hard on him.

Yesterday was a particularly bad day for me and the kids, particularly with Armour. He had a crazy morning where he drew all over his body (and many other things in Solace's room) with "washable" marker. It's not so much washable-he is still multicolored! He dumped out a whole box of dry hot chocolate mix on the newly vacuumed carpet, and quite a few other things all while I was trying to clean up, cook and prepare for the missionaries to come over for dinner. Needless to day, I did my fair share of yelling, and it was basically one of those days where I was frustrated as I felt I was having zero positive interaction with my sweet (yet mischievous) boy.

In the midst of all this craziness, I had a very, very terrifying experience. Now, I know I write with much humor and sarcasm usually, but this was a truly terrifying event for me. Moments after yelling at him for one of his antics, he choked on an apple he was eating. It was a major choking incident where he was turning blue and I was really, really scared as I could not get it out. I finally reached in his mouth and swiped it out and he took a deep breath. It was only a matter of seconds, but it seemed like so long.

After this, I sat there on the floor of my empty dining room and just held him and cried for a good long time. I just thought of how precious and important my babies are to me! I just love them all so much!! This is a blog that will be long and wordy and of little interest to anyone but me and my kids I am sure, but I thought this was a great time to talk about each of my kid and what they are like and why we love them so much! If you care to read on, please do so and learn about my beautiful kids. If not, that's ok, this is something for them really. I will read it to them tomorrow, and will print it out for their memory books.


Ma big girl is such a precious girl. She is the perfect example of the little mother! She is always trying to help and mother her siblings, and she loves them so much! She is a loving and kind little girl to those she meets. Her teacher told us that Solace was the sweetest little girl she had had in class as long as she could remember, and we are sure she is right. Solace changes what she wants to be when she grows up a lot, but most recently has said a firefighter, a teacher and a mom. She is brilliant and beautiful and she is my little helper. I do not know what I will do when she starts full day school!! She is so excited to go to school next month, and wow! What a smarty she is!! She will do well! She wants to be in musicals, but gets a bit shy in front of people. She is working hard at being more outgoing! We are so proud of her and all her accomplishment and cannot wait to see what she does in the coming years!


Our little comedian! Wow, what a kid! I am fairly positive that I am raising the next Will Ferrell or Adam Sandler or Vince Vaughn in this kid (that's for another blog though). He is hilarious!! And what an energetic boy-always running around and helping with everything. He is a great helper like his older sister and will likely be my saving grace when Solace is at school. He is loving and kind and not afraid to tell you "the truth" about everything (the truth according to him). He makes friends with everyone he meets! Just now on our walk he was asking every person whether on foot or on wheels a question about themselves as we passed them. People love his spunk and his contagious happiness. He keeps me on my feet and always provides me with great conversations and great material for my blog! And again-a massive smarty-this kid is a genius-seriously! I'm pretty sure he is smarter than me already! He wants to be in musicals, specifically in Peter Pan, and loves to sing, dance, act and show off for anyone. He would like to be a doctor like his dad when he grows up and I think he would be one of the best! The kid can and will do whatever he wants to with his life.


As mentioned above, this kid can be a wild thing, which is why I found this picture quite an appropriate one! This kid is so curious and excited about life and all it has to offer. He wants to be one of the big kids so badly, and follows them around all the time trying to do what they do. He speaks better than most 4-yr-olds I know, and he won't even be 2 until next week! He's smart like his siblings and so very, very sweet. He is loving as can be and wow! What a contagious smile! He is one great kid and I love watching him grow and learn each day. He takes great joy in each new discovery and each new accomplishment. He has known how to do the top of his seat belt himself now for a few weeks, and gets so excited every time he does it still! He is a total self motivated self starter already at age 1. He wants to potty train now and I have been resistant, but he stubbornly and patiently is potty training himself in spite of the resistance from mom. His personality and skills will get him very far in life! I should mention that he is a connoisseur of Italian Specialty Drinks, and can tell you all the ingredient to make a perfect Italian Cream Soda. He is a perfectionist like his dad and is prone to trying Solace's famous "Do Overs," whenever something doesn't go the way he planned.

Kindle My fiery little baby! At a mere 2 months she is already showing us all the spunk and personality we expected from her! She is cute as can be, strong, smart and just a real blessing in our home! She is such a calming influence, and really is a great baby! She hardly cries at all, but when she does, well lets just say that's where the fiery part comes in. She is a tough girl that is already learning to deal with overly excited older siblings, and she loves them. She recognizes and smiles at mom, dad and her siblings, and it makes us all happy to see her cute dimples! We cannot wait to see how she grows and develops! At only 2 months she is already scooting on the ground pretty well, which means Armour will have a partner in crime sooner than I would like I am afraid!
All 4 of my kids are unique, wonderful, fabulous kids and I love them all!
I Love you Solace!!!
I Love you Ender!!!
I Love you Armour!!!
I Love you Kindle!!!

1 comment:

I am Laura said...

Great post. Your kids are awesome! That is so scary about Armour chocking. I have a friend who has had two friends that have had two year olds die this last month from chocking. One on an apple and one on a pretzel. It is crazy because you don't often hear of kids dying from that. I am so glad that Armour was ok and that you got the apple out. That is so traumatic.

Isn't it great how kids truly are who they are and not always who we make them be. Like Solace being shy unlike mommy and Ender being a total comedian different from his other siblings. It is cool how they come with personalities.

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