Thursday, January 26, 2017

Day 19: 100 Day Challenge

I DID IT!!! YEAH! Today I had a lunch with the radiology wives (all the wives of the doctors my husband works with). The lunch was at noon, and I had to drop my daughter off at school a little over an hour before that. I decided to just drive downtown to where the lunch was to be held and walk around slowly, comfortably and hopefully for at least a mile before I went in for lunch. I managed to do it and without too much pain (thank you Advil). Here's my video:

A before picture:

And a collage of after pictures:

And some screenshots of the walk report.

1.09 Miles! Phew!

Since I am picking up where I left off before the Mulligans, this is day 19/100. Tomorrow we hit 20! Yeah. Go me!


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