Friday, September 26, 2008

Halloween Choices

I just thought you all might want to know that my 3 oldest kids have each picked what they want to be for Halloween. They are all very, VERY set on their decisions and I thought I ought to share those decisions with all of you.

Solace's choice:
Ender's Choice:
VampireArmour's choice:

Yes, I am serious. Armour is set on being Papou (aka my dad) for what now? I get some gray hairspray, glasses, and Dockers?!


Andrea Griggs said...

That's hillarious-I want to see Halloween pictures the moment you have them-especially of Armour!

Anonymous said...

Ender's awesome. I'm going to be a vampire, too.


Stefanie said...

... and Armour will have to have a U of U polo. I love that kid! coolest 2 year old ever!

Sarah Coyne said...

That is the cutest thing ever! What is Kindle going to be??

Mickey said...

Hey Beckee,
This comment isn't about this post...but I have a question. How do I leave a comment on Wes' postless blog? I really want to...

Laura said...

That's so funny. I look forward to seeing pictures.

Natalie said...

Are you and Wes going as GG and Great Grandpa?
How about Steve and Anne?
Salt and Pepper?
Eggs and Bacon?
SO many good things come in pairs....

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