Thursday, November 1, 2007

Tri-ward Trunk or Treat

For our tri-ward trunk or treat, our little Armour's Doctor costume was dirty from the party he had at playgroup the day before, so he went in his truest form as a monkey! :) I should mention that it was a 3 hour activity, which as many of you know is 3x longer that Wesley's threshold for ward activities. There was an hour for dinner first, and our ward was in charge of that. We were told to bring either a crock pot stew, soup or chili. This horribly obnoxious woman from the other ward took over the whole thing and stood up after the prayer and announced that there was "just about anything you can cook in a crock pot, so head over and get some food-there is something for everyone's tastes." So, I walked over to find that evidently the only thing you can actually cook in a crock pot is chili, like 30 different kinds of chili. It was hilarious, and I felt good to know that the chili I brought (Wes actually made it) was the first to be scarfed up by the people! Nice! GO Wes! The second hour was a chaotic and uncomfortable hour of games and spook alleys (done my the singles ward BTW). It was crazy, then the third hour was (finally) the Trunk or Treat. I had asked Wes to park our van in the trunk or treat parking as I had brought candy to give out. So he did. The candy thing was supposed to last from 7-8. By 7:10 I was out of candy, and Wes had brought our kids around to the many cars. So, Wes decided we were going to leave, and I was supposed to try to stop the chain of children walking past. I walked to the back of the car unsure of how this could possibly work, and could not find a way. So, this guy who obviously understood Wes's urgent desire to leave stopped the kids traffic and helped Wes back out and drive off. It was a funny moment of male bonding for me to witness. It was like the unspoken understanding and support. Hilarious! Anyway, enough said, Here are some Trunk or Treat Pics:

This is what they did when I told them to show me their best faces...nice Armour, you already have dad/grandpa's sense of humor... And all three faces...
In the parade of costumes at the ward.
Army was too hot in his monkey he is with dad. Aren't they handsome?!
Mom and the older 2.
And this is what A thought after about the first hour.
But S was still smiling!
"I'm Batman!"


Andrea Griggs said...

Funny story about leaving early. . .gotta love men!

Audrey said...

Holy Posts, Batman! Thanks for sharing all the pics! You all look great.

Anonymous said...

Holy rusted metal batman!I can't believe how big the kids are getting, especialy armour. He's not a baby anymore.

Stefanie said...

Well, I was going to make a robin comment, but apparently that isn't very original these days....
Wes, you have my deepest sympathy! I'm glad you pulled through alright and made a new friend!

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