Monday, September 19, 2011

Tower of Terror...staring Solace, Ender & Armour

As I mentioned in one of my earlier Disney posts, Kindle is 40 inches tall and thus barely tall enough for a lot of the big rides. At first we got her to go on a few, then she decided she only likes flat, slow, non scary rides. Yeah-she's a real dare devil! So, by the time we got to Tower of Terror, we were pretty sure it was not for her as it falls (not flat), is fast and scary. However, we got to the line, got a rider swap, and Kindle measured herself and walked over to Wes to go in. We told her it was scary, it drops, and was fast, and she insisted she wanted to go on it with Wes. INSISTED. We didn't think she would like it but we had decided before we left that we were willing to let them try the rides and form their own opinions. So, Wes entered the line with Solace, Ender, Armour and Kindle. I went to a shady spot to wait.

About 5-10 minutes passed then I saw Wes and Kindle coming out the front. I assumed he was bringing her to me, then running back in line with the others. But he told me that right at the point it takes you into another room, at the point of no return, Kindle refused to go through the door. The other kids were already in the room, so Wes yelled to them to go on and we would meet them at the exit. Solace tried to bail and go with Wes but he told her she needed to stay with the the boys.

They were on their own on the Tower of 8 year old, a 7 year old and a 5 year old...interesting...I went into the exit and talked to a very nice lady about what had happened and she told me they would come out this way whether they went on or got too scared. She let Wes, Kindle, Everest and I wait in the area where you can buy pictures. I got more and more anxious as I waited and after what seemed to me like an eternity, the 3 of them walked out holding hands with Solace in the middle. All with fake grins. We asked how it was...Ender and Solace started reciting a rehearsed answer about how good it was and how they were hardly scared at all. Armour said "It was terrible. I did not like it." We asked them all 3 who wanted to go use the rider swap with me...they all refused!
We were glad to have our crew back and were grabbing the stroller to go when a lady-a random stranger came over and handed us a card and said "This is their picture number-you will want this one!"

Our curiosity peaked and although we had vowed not to purchase any Photo pass pictures at the outrageous prices, we went to the counter to see the picture (how could we resist with the strangers recommendation). We bought the download...Have you ever seem sheer terror before? Well, check out this picture:

Well-we managed to test out their fear level and scare them sufficiently. And they got to be big kids and do this all on their own! How grown up are they?!


1 comment:

Andrea Griggs said...

That's a GREAT picture!!

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