Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 2: Disney's Hollywood Studios (I call it the poor man's Universal Studios)

Well, as you can see from the title, I was not exactly impressed with Disney's Hollywood Studios. But once again that brilliant Disney family has found a way to make it an unmissable park by throwing Fantasmic over there. Oh and it DOES have a couple good rides-mainly I liked Rockin Roller Coaster & Star Tours. Plus there is the Tower of Terror (I have a fantastic story about that one which I will post separately.)
Anyhow...we went to Hollywood for our 2nd Day, Monday September 12. Probably due to the fact that Monday and Thursday are the only nights to see Fantasmic, it was ultra crowded and we spent a lot of time in lines. They also gave us an outdated show schedule so we managed to miss the stunt show we tried to see. It was not my favorite park, but we did have fun there anyway.

Here are a few random pictures of us in Hollywood:
 Dad feeds Armour...silly...
 Armour (Who actually is the King of Awesome)
 Everest was there too, see...and he learned to take a bottle better this week...
 Pretty Kindle
 At the DinoLand gift shop Ender found this beaded T Rex that he wants to try to copy and make at home. This picture was taken by Ender himself so we can try to copy it...yes I know this is a hilarious picture, remember though, It was taken by an innocent 7 year old...

And one of the first things we did (after getting fast passes for Toy Story Mania-which was a mad house all day by the way) was to see the Beauty and the Beast live show. Two very nice LDS couples sat behind us and shared their granola bars with the kids. Since they shared with us I had to forgive the fact they were wearing BYU hats...

I did manage to get a few pictures at the show:

You will have to read the next post so you can hear the funny/crazy story if Tower of Terror. We went on that right after the show. Then we tried Rock n Roller Coaster but it had a crazy long line. So we went over to the other side of the park and did Star Tours, and saw a Phineas and Ferb show. Wes took the little kids to Muppets 3D, and then it was time for us to go back for our Fast Passes of Toy Story Mania. FYI, that ride consists of little arcade type shooting games then it spins you around fast to other games. So, it is a spinning ride which FYI-make Wes really sick.

After getting off that ride, we went over to get a snack (we had 2 snacks per day per person with our dining plan after all). A couple kids got popcorn, and the rest of us got frozen strawberry lemonade. Armour had been a little abnormally quiet and low energy since the Tower of Terror. As soon as we sat down on the corner of Hollywood Blvd and Sunset Blvd to eat. He said "Dad I need a drink." There was a drinking fountain across the way so Wes told him to go get one. He got over and started to drink, then started to throw up in the fountain and then ALL OVER the street and himself. We saw everything come up and I will never look at Mac and Cheese the same again.

Wes jumped up and grabbed him by the elbows and we asked where the nearest bathroom was (as a lovely cast member was rushing over to clean up the mess). As it turned out, we were about as far from a bathroom as possible so Wes had to take Armour, covered in throw up, by the elbows all the way down the street. HE said it was like the parting of the seas with the crowd as they saw them coming. Then they got in the bathroom and they have those water saving sinks that only go on for 30 seconds then you have to move and the motion sensor has to think another person has stepped up. Obviously Wes had to clean up Armour's body and clothing, so he took off his shirt and pants and cleaned up Armour then hand washed the clothing, but he had to wait and reactivate the sink every 30 seconds so it took a long time. Meanwhile I saw how the Disney magic works on cleaning up barf, and it was gone and spic n span clean in no time.

After that, we decided we better go back to the hotel, and see what was up with Armour-we assumed it was from the spinning ride. Then we planned to return by 10 pm to see Fantasmic and to let the oldest 2 kids (and mommy!)ride Rock N Roller Coaster...That was the plan, but when we got back to the hotel we realized Armour had a pretty high fever and he had no energy. Wes was still catching up on sleep at that point and knew I really wanted to see Fantasmic. So, that night Wes stayed at the hotel with the 3 youngest kids, and I went back with Solace and Ender to the park for Fantasmic.

We got there early enough that we rode Rock n Roller Coaster, got a snack, THEN went in to Fantasmic. We were able to sit right where we wanted to (FRONT row) and we loved it. I got some OK pictures, but nothing really good of the show...There are some great kiddo shots though:

After the show we decided to go on Rock N Roller Coaster again, waited for 45 minutes and when only 10 people were ahead of us in line, Solace faked sick and we had to leave. In one of my worst parenting moments I yelled at her for faking sick (obviously she was just scared) and she still feels bad...I hope that is not the main memory she takes from this trip, but fear it will be! We had a great night out with just the 3 of us (Solace, Ender, and me) before that happened! Hopefully she will remember that too!


1 comment:

Andrea Griggs said...

For the record, I did not think anything about the picture Ender took until you said remember it was taken by an innocent 7 year old. . . . and Solace will not only remember the one time you got upset at her on the trip-she WILL remember the great time you had together!

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