Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Roof Project of '09

So, as you might be aware, about 2 months ago, right before church one Sunday, we realized our roof was leaking into our kitchen. Because it was a hail/storm involved problem, our insurance was useless on this one, so Wes and I re-roofed the back of the house that week. (We will have to do the front part probably next summer) Here are some long overdue pictures of the project...

Old crappy roofWes covering the roof with tar paper the first night (later we had to rip that off as we learned it was against code to put any shingles over other shingles. So we ended up having to pull that off and rip off the old shingles, re tar the roof then put on the new shingles.)

Me up there closer to the end of the project (it was pouring rain. Wes was up there with me too, but I made him get down and take a picture to prove I was working and helping too!)
The new roof

Our backyard at the end of the project-note the roof is lovely, but the deck is in shambles. Also, notice the pumpkins that overtook the backyard. More on the deck and pumpkins in the next couple posts!


Andrea Griggs said...

Seriously-look at you DIYers!

I am Laura said...

Good job getting up there too. I would never. I am too lazy

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