Monday, August 17, 2009

Solace met an astronaut...

Solace was invited with about 100 other kids in Omaha to go to a program at the Children's Museum on World environment day and to meat and learn about our Earth from the first African-American female astronaut, Dr Mae Jemison. We thought it would be cool for her to go to, so she did. I snuck in the door and tried to get a few pictures between the news cameras. They did not turn out well, but here are the best ones.

Solace Dr Jemisen
(While she was at the program, the other kids and I played around the rest of the museum. Her is Kindle in Elmo's World in the visiting Sesame Street exhibit.)
Ender on the rowing machine
All 4 kids by the tree Solace helped plant for the program.

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