Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Whale Watching

We decided to splurge and pay for a Whale Watching excursion. Mats and Heidi came with us. We were all geared up and excited to go, but in the end it was a bit disappointing. Kinda funny though because they drove us into US waters to see the whales-we ended up just off of Seattle. It was like 3 hours out on the boat. Wes had convinced me to take a seasickness pill so I wouldn't get sick-I didn't, but I did get drowsy and had a heck of a time staying awake! That aside. I am glad we did it, and here are the pics...

Wes at the start...we sat in the very front. Eagle
Sea lions

On the left is a US island , on the right, Canadian. Right before we went into US waters.
We never got really close to the whales, but here are a few of the better pics I got...

This is a baby and his big brother...
Here we are at the end

The boat we were on


Sarah Coyne said...

So fun! I love Whales and it must have been exciting to see them in the wild!

Eli, Trieste, and The Gals said...

very cool pics! looks like you both had a really good time in canada!!

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