Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Oh Canada!

Wes worked on a poster and submitted it to a conference. It was accepted, then we found out the conference was in Vancouver, Canada, and it was over the week of our anniversary. So, we decided to take Solace out of school for a week and to drop the kids off in Utah to be watched while we went on our first vacation without kids since our honeymoon (ok-that's not true-we went to Greece before Solace was born). Anyway, it was a long overdue trip alone. Sadly, Wes actually had to attend conferences, but it gave me a lot of time to just chill and relax and read and swim and hang out in the hot tub. And Wes did make a lot of time for me! Here are a few pictures from the trip. There will be a whole other blog dedicated to the Whale watching excursion we took...

The view from our hotel-we were staying in the Fairmont Hotel and the conference was across the street at the conference center attached to the Pan Pacific at Canada Place. We were on like the 23 floor and had a great view of the cruise ship dock and Canada Place. I took these first couple pics through the window of the room. We actually arrived in Canada at about 1 am, and this was the next morning-we walked over to Stanley park. Me on the river walk area on the way to Stanley Park.

Wes there too-you can see the sails of Canada Place behind him.
The lighthouse in Stanley Park
We also walked over to Gastown-here is the Steam Clock
On our Anniversary, Sunday May 17th, Dr Omajola took Wes and I and Mats and Heidi out to the Samba Grill. (Mats is also a resident at UNMC that had his poster accepted as well. Dr Omajola is the attending at UNMC that worked with Wes and Mats on their posters.)
Heidi and Wes with the dancers
Mats and me with the dancers
Dr Omajola with the dancers
Wes and me
Wes and the dancers
Canada Place from the hotel room again
Our hotel
Wes at Canada Place
Wes and Canada Place
Us at Canada Place
We rode the hotels bikes over to Stanley Park one day. Wes had to get out and see the wildlife...
Funny thing about that bike ride....Our friends Mats and Heidi had done the bike ride before we did. They told us that they were surprised at how quickly their bottoms got sore and they said they only rode about halfway around the park then came back. I knew of the 4 of us I was in the worst shape, but Heidi is pregnant, so I thought I could still do better. But about half way around the park, we decided to turn back. (Actually, where we turned back is right where we took the picture above.) So, I felt a bit defeated, but at least I had not fallen down or crashed or done anything embarrassing....yet! So, we made it all the way back to the convention center/Pan Pacific hotel, and just had to cross the street to our hotel. It is a pretty busy street and was particularly busy at the moment cause the people were arriving to board the cruise ship. Also, the Doctors were just finishing the morning lectures (Wes sluffed those ones to bike with me). So, we thought we ought to get off the bikes to cross the street. I was wearing a bag over my shoulder on my back, so when I tried to get off, it shifted, and I did not anticipate how jello-y my legs were, so I crashed right into luggage and bellmen and in front of a lot of was pretty embarrassing, but also funny...
The sails at night
Wes and a Canadian flag
Our hotel through the sails.
Wes at Stanley park near the tide pools
Me at the Tide pools
Wes doing his favorite all time thing to do-checking out the tide pools...

Siwash Rock-look it up-interesting story...
That is one huge rock...notice Wes at the bottom right.
Wes found a purple starfish.
Coolest tree ever...found in Stanley Park.
Wes by said coolest tree
One last shot out our hotel room on the last day.

There was also a whale watching excursion-I will do another blog about that, but I should record our trip to China town. Note there are no pictures of that-I did not want to get out my camera-you'll understand...
So, Wes and I wanted to go to Chinatown. On the map we could see it was not too far from our hotel and we felt we could walk there. It was only a couple blocks from Gastown where the steam clock was. The guidebooks said not to go there on foot cause it was a bad neighborhood between Gastown and Chinatown. It was literally only 2 blocks and Wes and I thought "eh, how bad could it be." Well, I will tell you-it can be pretty bad...In the 2 blocks to Chinatown we met drug dealers and prostitutes of both sexes...Wes had many was bad, but we made it. After seeing Chinatown, we were walking back, and I didn't want to walk on that same street that was so bad, so I suggested a different route back-worse idea. There was one block I thought we would not get out of alive. People were scoping us out, following us. It was as busy as Times Square on New Years, but all the people on the street were drug dealers and prostitutes and one other very lost British couple. It was NUTS!!! The bellman and the guidebook warned us, but I didn't believe...I am now a believer.
We really did have a good time in Canada and it was a much needed break. I am glad we went and cannot wait to bring our kids there someday!


Laura said...

How nice to get away without the kids! Looks like you had fun.

Andrea Griggs said...

Looks like a fun trip! Cool picture of Wes holding the sea star! Glad you guys could have a fun trip without the kids. :)

Audrey said...

I'm so glad you got to have a trip alone. It looks beautiful there. I've always wanted to go whale watching.

Christensen family said...

HOW FUN!!! What a great time away. It looked so beautiful.

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