Monday, December 15, 2008

HOAA playgroup party

On Tuesday December 9th we had our resident playgroup party at my old ward building. It was a lot of fun. Here are some pics:

My lovely finger food tray. It includes peanut butter sandwiches cut in holiday shapes of trees, Santa, and candy canes. The center is my new favorite from Lindsey. It is ham rolls-midget sweet pickles wrapped in cream cheese smeared ham. Yummo!!! I do not know what the deal was, but Armour was TERRIFIED of the floor in the gym. It had recently been redone and was really shiny, so I think he was afraid it was icy. Anyway. He sat on this chair and was horrified whenever I tried to get him to get down and walk to me or anything.
Ender playing on a car rug.
Still scared to death...
Kindle sitting with Ender
Tummy time
Armour ventures off his chair, gets closer to the floor, and lays on the rug to practice tummy time with sister...he freaked right after this picture when he saw Kindle's arm was off the edge...
FINALLY on the floor, just sitting still listening to story time.
Story time still
Armour and Ender decorate plates and cookies (about 10 seconds after this 2nd cookie picture, Armour stood on his chair and his fears of a slippery floor came true as the chair slipped out from under him and he fell head first on to the ground. He was fine but he was pissed that I had convinced him the floor was ok, and was again afraid. I spent a lot of this party holding him and the baby.)

Then right before a special visitor came, our baby zonked out.
I still brought Kindle to see the special visitors, Mr & Mrs Claus.
Cute, no?!
Ender with Santa
You may wonder where the picture of Armour with Santa is...well, it does not exist-he was not just afraid of the floor, but also of Santa and would not go within like 10 feet of the guy. It was nuts. At least he conquered one fear long enough to help his now awake sister open her present from Santa. Isn't he a great big brother? He is getting so big and so helpful!
As I said, Armour would not go near Santa, but he loved Mrs C, and after opening his present, he ran over and told Mrs C thank you. Then, Ender came riding over on someones bike with a plate of cookies. One of the other moms who had been cleaning up the cookie mess during Santa time said he came over to her and asked if he could make just 2 more cookies, one for Santa and one for Mrs Claus to thank them for coming and for bringing gifts. So, he did, then he rode them over to them on the bike (which was pretty funny to watch.)
Here is Ender delivering those cookies. I guess we can call him a bike messenger.
The Clauses enjoy their cookies by Ender as he looks on.
All in all we had a fun playgroup party and were so glad we went!


Cassie said...

It looks like you had a lot of fun and so funny that he was so afraid of the floor.

I am Laura said...

Wow Kindle is getting so big. How do they grow so fast.

Lindsey said...

It looks like you had so much fun!!! I'm glad you like my ham rolls! :)

Natalie said...

A Christmas party to remember! I'm laughing so hard at the Armour situation. Too bad you can't sit in that gym for sacrament meeting.

Andrea Griggs said...

Looks like loads of fun! I miss the Christmas stuff this year. . . .it's nice to see pictures of people I love enjoying the season!

Stefanie said...

That is awesome! I too am afraid of men who dress in red and hang out with elves, and freshly finished floors are evil.

Ender is not reaching his full potential as a bike messenger, think gopher.

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