Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tagged again...

I love these things!!

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Transferring from the Y to the U
2. Giving my baby brother the permanent nickname of Spencer (His name is actually Stephen Merle E)
3. Taking Xan's Theatre 101 and really causing him stress.
4. Sending every boy I know off around the world to serve missions
5. Beginning to date the Taylorsville boys.

5 things on my To-Do list today (not necessarily in this order):
1. Watch Grey's Anatomy
2. Fold laundry
3. Clean the House (as with every day)
4. Play Wii
5. Play with my kids.

5 Snacks I enjoy: (currently)
1. Pomegranates (especially this time of year)
2. Cheese ball from Hickory Farms
3. Any Fruit
4. Salad
5. Candy (luckily-or unluckily for my waist line-we have a TON left from Halloween)

5 songs I know the lyrics to:
1. Bushel and a Peck
2. Cock-Eyed Optimist
3. Go Ye Now in Peace (Anyone that has ever been in Encore should know that one!)
4. Love is Spoken Here
5. Home from Beauty and the Beast

5 things I would do if I were a Millionaire:
1. Pay off student loans/debt.
2. Buy a house
3. Travel, and travel A LOT
4. Buy fresh food and ingredients, regardless of cost, to cook what I want when I want-every day in fact!
5. Buy new cars for us, mom, and Steve (father-in-law, and his would be a truck).

5 bad habits:
1. Laziness/tiredness during pregnancy particularly...
2. Procrastination
3. I get some bursts of road rage where I end up yelling at or occasionally flipping off other drivers...
4. Swearing when I am angry (I don't think swearing if it is a joke is a bad habit...)
5. Always late with Thank you cards-usually write them, but can never seem to send them out.

5 things I would never wear again:
1. Diapers was a good answer, so I'll steal that.
2. Shorts above my knees
3. Tank Tops/tank dresses
4. Short dresses
5. Size 8

5 favorite toys:
1. Wii
2. Digital Camera
3. Frisbees
4. Roller Blades
5. My computer

People tagged:
Anyone who reads this! Please post on your blog or email your responses.


Anonymous said...

You're quick!!

I am Laura said...

Glad you don't want to wear diapers. Your funny. I swear too. Too much.

Anonymous said...

beckee, do you know what you're having yet, I can't remember when you are due? Hope your pregnancy is going well, talk to you soon. ps, I'm flying to utah this week.

Stefanie said...

HA!!!! Damn it, I don't think humorous swearing is a bad habit either!!

Anonymous said...

10 years ago?! Seriously? We were so young then... ah memories...

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