Thursday, September 20, 2007


Well, we got an awesome surprise last week! We were not expecting this right now, but we could not be happier or more excited! It is still really early, and most people wouldn't even mention it this early, but most of you know, I cannot stand keeping great news like this to myself for even a second! It was horribly hard to be quiet for a week! Baby Johnson #4 is due May 23. I will post more about how we found this out, and the funny story of Solace, and how we told the kids later, but for now, I am finally getting tired (at 12:15), so I will try to get some sleep!


Andrea Griggs said...

Congratulations. . . I love that you have tons of new posts when you post stuff. . . it makes me happy! I hope you're feeling well!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, I can't beleive it, we have babies the same age! You're a trooper. I am excited for you and hope you can get some rest, I know you'll need it. Cute posts, I love looking at all of the pictures. Reminds me to get busy posting on my blog.

I am Laura said...

Congratulations!! I am jealous -- I just love the idea of having a baby, but I forget how hard it can be. I am excited for you.

Stefanie said...

Hmm... That is quite the picture. I see that the mothers who have made comments are not quite so shocked.

Jen said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting!

Lindsey said...


Sarah T. said...

Congrats! Will Baby Johnson #4 get the...honor of being named what we came up with at the relief society retreat what was it two years ago now?

Stefanie said...

This is from Jecca, "Embarasada" is right.
Tom is speechless.

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