Thursday, January 19, 2017

Some days are rough...Day 14: 100 Day Challenge

Guys, some days are just not even possible to do a dedicated 1 mile walk. 


We had a lice situation that we noticed on our child late last night and we were up until 1 am with the kids dealing with treating him (and everyone else just to be safe). We also stripped all the beds and started the daunting task of washing all the bedding and clothing for all 7 people in this house. The kids went to bed around 1am, we stayed up later doing some more stuff. Then (luckily) the kids had a 2 hour late start for school today, and Wes is still off work this week so we were able to get done a lot more stuff today. 

I realized pretty early on that I was not going to have the opportunity to walk a full dedicated walk, so I decided to use my Samsung app today and have it trace my walking distance and steps. I think it totally counts for a day like today to just count the distance I walked throughout the day. It ended up being 3 miles according to my app. Here's the screenshot:

Tomorrow I will continue through the insane piles of laundry, I will take my kids to their High Ability Learners testing, go walk through 2 houses, and try to salvage whatever I can of Wesley's week off that was totally bombarded with lice and crazy weather. AND I will try again to walk for a mile. Somewhere in the midst of all that...

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