Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Soccer and Football LAST year

Well, as we are about to begin a new fall season of sports ina couple of weeks, I thought I better get the pictures from LAST year up here. How did it get a YEAR behind?! (Hey at least I did get huge events like Solace's baptism and Everest's birth in here)

Anyway, Armour played soccer and Ender opted for flag football for the first time last year. Solace was also going to play soccer but here team was cancelled due to a lack of a coach.

So, first about Armour's soccer...Armour is our natural athlete, and he is ubercompetative. He was on a team with his friend from church, Romey, and she is equally competative. They were playing against each other more than against the other teams most of the time-each of them trying to keep the ball to themselves. Armour was a great player and got lots of goals through the season and had one game where he got 10 goals. Here are a few pictures:

Now about Ender...that kids is a goofball, but he is also very talented. The very first practice was hot and he was in a mood. He kept trying to leave practice and was having major breakdowns. I kept making him go back in over and over and ignored his fit. It got MUCH better after that and he was a star quarterback on the team by the end of the season. He says he got 3 touchdowns on one game (I do not remember, but I think he did not actually run those td's in...he passed them to the guys that did). Wes was on a rotation where he could not attend many games and he could not go to any practices, so I had to take the kids on my own.

Here's a little story about football...One of the techs that Wes was working with at the time had a son on Ender's team. I never thought I would be a yeller mom on the sidelines, but as it turns out, I have a lot to say to the refs adn coaches already-high school should be interesting...

Anyway-after the first practice and first game, Wes was going to be able to come to the 2nd game. So, Wes asked the Tech, Peter, about how it had been going (before he went to the game). Peter said "Oh man-there is a mom that is so awesome-she was making her kids get back in the game and did not put up with any crap from him, the refs or the coach. I will have to point her out to you at the game." Of course at the game Peter came over to Wes who was obviously with me and said "um...I guess the lady is your wife." HAHAHA I am SOOO "THAT" mom...

Here are some of the pictures of football:

And here is a bonus pic of Wes and Kindle on the sidelines:

The boys had a lot of fun and will be returning to the sports they each played last year. This year we will add in a third sport with Solace playing Volleyball for the first time! That will be fun and busy! :)


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