Thursday, August 18, 2011

Halloween 2010 at School

Well, last year, Solace and Ender were at school at Cather elementary. Solace in Mr Ruth's second grade class, and Ender in Miss Jenkins First Grade. I was the PTO co president so I was at the school a lot helping out. Armour was at preschool at Cody elementary where his teacher was Mrs Amy Beeder. Armour's class did not invite parents in to help, so I just went over to Cather for their parties and their parade.
The kids chose the following Halloween costumes: Solace was Hannah Montana, Ender was a Transformer (Optimus Prime), Armour was a doctor (as always), and Kindle was (and I quote) "a pinkalicious skeleton."

Here are a few pictures of the School day Halloween celebration:

On the way to Cather-see, she is "pinkalicious"
 Kindle and a friend, Emma. Emma's sister Megan is one of Solace's best friends.
 Solace and her class!

 Pinkalicious skeleton and Hannah Montana.
 A peek at the man behind the mask of Optimus Prime.

 Solace in the parade
 Ender watching the parade and waiting to join in!

 Thirsty Pinkalicious-who knew skeletons got thirsty?!
 Armour after his party!!

I love Halloween at the schools and look forward to it each year-I hope they do Halloween parties that I can help with in Arizona!!


1 comment:

Melanie said...

Is Kindles hair actually pink too? Wow!

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