Friday, January 1, 2010

Funny Story...Wesley Goes Shopping...

One thing I love about my husband is that he loves a deal as much as I do. In fact, many people think he may be the cheapest man in the world. He really won't buy stuff unless he feels it is a great deal! Well, yesterday was one of those days where I was trying to get New Year's foods and games ready, and I just forget to get a whole list of things I needed for the day. I called him at work and gave him the list of what I wanted him to get: videos, Soy Milk (one of our kids is lactose intolerant so we have to buy this expensive stuff for her to get her calcium and stuff), 4-5 2 Liters of Diet Coke, Potatoes, Oranges, and Tampons. Well, my "cheap" husband usually will not shop at my preferred store as Walmart tends to be cheaper overall. But, last evening, Walmart was a mess, so he decided to go check out my HyVee. He was pleasantly surprised to find a few great deals there and ended up getting not just the items I send him for but also 3 bags of clearance chocolates for us and his total for everything came in under $30.

Here is the funny part. When Wes got home and we started unpacking the groceries, we laughed really hard that in the midst of all the groceries, the bagger still managed to pack one bag like this:

1 comment:

The Smith Family said...

Pretty funny indeed! The bagger had to either be a woman, or a VERY smart man!:)

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