Saturday, June 6, 2009

I just thought I should record my thoughts on this story for posterity. If you know Wes you will really appreciate it...

So, in April, we went to a banquet for one of Wes's attending physicians who was receiving a big award-this was an event at a country club where the society page of the newspaper was literally there. So, we sit through the dinner and the program, then as we are about to leave, someone goes up to the mike and says something completely muffled. It was impossible to understand. Upon hearing the miked announcement, Wes walks back over to the table and picks up the incredible centerpiece. I was like, "what are you doing?" He was like "They said to take home the centerpieces." I looked around and saw no one else was taking any centerpieces. So, I was was like, "Um...I don't think so." He looked at me, gestured toward the next table and said, "Hey, go grab the one off that table." I didn't. but we still left the country club with this...
I am still not sure about the announcement, but no one said anything, and they were BEAUTIFUL in my house!! See guys, Wes gets me flowers sometimes! :)
(I should probably add for Wes's sake that in retrospect, he probably did hear the announcement better than I did, and could potentially have been right about the "take the centerpieces" thing)


Andrea Griggs said...

Pretty flowers-I've taken many centerpieces from banquets, they normally just throw them away if guests don't take them

Sarah Coyne said...


I am Laura said...

funny. I don't think I would have taken it either. It takes a confident person to do that. wes, must be that kind of guy. They were beautiful.

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