Thursday, April 17, 2008

To Do...

If you ever read this blog, you know that my aunt Cathy passed away last week. You probably don't know that my sister Andrea rewrote the words to Tim McGraw's song "Live Like You Were Dying" to apply to Cathy. Cathy really did a lot of thing she wanted to do after she found out about the cancer. That being said, around the same time Cathy died, my friend, Laura posted on her blog 100 things she wants to do before she dies. I thought her list was awesome, and started to think what my list would include. I also thought of all the things that would have been on that list had I written it 15 years ago that would not be in it now (as I have either accomplished them or decided to move on past them). So, here are a couple lists for you to check out if you so desire. One is the things that would have been on the list 15 years ago, and the other is my 100 things I would like to do before I die. Some of the things are really specific, some more general, and not all realistic, but all things that appeal to me as something I would like to do if I could.

Things that would have been included on 15-yr-old Beckee's list (& how I did on them)

1. Date, and Date a lot (done and done)
2. Get Driver's Licence & get a car (Done & Done-though I would not have added this, I probably should have included here that I should not total my car....)
3. Fall in love with someone in love with me (Thank goodness for Wes!! Check that one off!)
4. Get married in the temple (Check)
5. Be a lead in a musical (done in high school-Adelaide in Guys and Dolls)
6. Be a lead in a non-school related musical (Done-Nellie in South Pacific in Sandy 2001)
7. Move to New York and make it on Broadway (OK-so, not so much...)
8. Live in California, near the beach (I totally count the summer in San Diego with Angela for this!)
9. Go on a mission (not so far...)

100 Things I would Like to Do before I die

1. Have lots of kids (my definition of lots changes by the day)
2. Raise my kids to be strong members of the Church
3. Survive Residency & Fellowship
4. Live in Hawaii someday for at least a year.
5. Publish a cook book (I have one I self published, but I want to do another)
6. Open a restaurant
7. Buy a house (we are in process of accomplishing this one)
8. Design and build our own house with Wes.
9. Go to all 50 states (I have been to many, and am well on my way...I just might have to take a southern US trip sometime...Check out my map...)

10. Visit all 7 continents (so far I have North America, South America, & Europe)
11. Finish writing my book.
12. Start my own Children's theatre.
13. Write a journal (I am totally counting this blog as accomplishing this at least somewhat)
14. Pray daily
15. Joins a book club-actually read each book and attend the meetings
16. Read at least one classic novel a year (2007-The Scarlet Pimpernel. AWESOME!)
17. Get rid of all debt
18. Do something significant and nice for each of my parents and each of Wes's parents (besides having their adorable grandchildren)
19. Get a graduate degree
20. Invent and sell something awesome.
21. Finish my Wii Zelda game.
22. Be a better mom every day (OK-who knows how to measure my progress on this one...)
23. Learn to play the piano much better.
24. Teach my kids all to read and to love reading.
25. Travel a lot!
26. Plant a successful garden
27. Be able to stay home with my kids and teach them. (so far so good)
28. Go on a cruise
29. Read the scriptures daily
30. Play sports with the kids & Wes
31. Plant and maintain fresh herbs in my kitchen.
32. Go to the Philippines with Wes
33. Design my own pearl creations while in the Philippines.
34. Get Wes a replacement wedding ring
35. Make at least on real scrapbook
36. Catch up and maintain all the kids' baby books.
37. Give away a Book of Mormon to someone.
38. Go on a mission with Wes
39. Serve in all 3 auxiliaries in the church (Relief Society, Young Womens, and Primary...technically I have, but I would like to again...)
40. Go to a Luau
41. Perform in at least one show a year.
42. Go to Disney World with my whole Enderton family
43. Fix a broken computer
44. Teach the kids the primary songs
45. Give all my kids unique, interesting, meaningful names that are not too weird and outlandish.
46. Get family pictures taken at least once a year without driving Wes crazy
47. Have a clean house.
48. Someday I want one of those horribly expensive, awesome washers and dryers!!
49. To go to all my kids' temple weddings
50. Have lots of grandkids
51. Spoil my grandkids rotten!
52. Ride a horse and NOT almost kill myself
53. Have a big walk in closet with all kinds of organizational shelves and stuff built in.
54. Get Armour to eat vegetables...and like them!
55. Tell Wes and the kids how much I love them every day!
56. Get better at rollerblading
57. Learn to Surf
58. Go scuba diving
59. Go Whale watching with Wes
60. Make memory books for each of my kids.
61. Go watch the newest Broadway shows every year (once Wes is a full fledged radiologist and we can afford it)
62. Finish the Wheel of Time series of books.
63. Learn patience
64. Potty train Armour soon (then I'd only have one kid in diapers)
65. Greek Island cruise
66. Spend a significant amount of time in Greece and learn Greek.
67. Learn to cook all those Greek family recipes from XiaXia and Mom.
68. Give each of my kids personal time.
69. Learn to golf
70. relearn to knit and crochet-make something
71. Figure out how to use my sewing machine
72. Pack up my stuff to move (this is obviously an immediate goal)
73. Grow my testimony always
74. Finish reading the Twilight series
75. Give hugs and kisses all the time.
76. Meet someone famous and not even notice. (I guess technically I did this with Julia Roberts...)
77. Be a lead in a musical again
78. Cook something gourmet
79. Make cool birthday cakes for my kids' birthdays.
80. Play pool and bowling outside my living room (meaning not on Wii) more often!
81. Own and have room for a pool table/game room.
82. Avoid bed rest in the future.
83. Go on a European tour.
84. Have lots of parties and fun in our own house!
85. Own a GREAT BBQ.
86. Be active with the kids and Wes-even when Wes and I are old.
87. Lose weight
88. Eat healthy, but still enjoy treats I love
89. Try new foods
90. Eat at a really fancy restaurant
91. Go to Six Flags
92. Live on a beach
93. Go on an African Safari
94. Be on TV for some sort of major positive accomplishment
95. Rid the world of AM talk radio
96. Serve others
97. Own a new car someday that is not a piece of crap we are just babying through (OK-so our Elantra would fall int his category, but I don't usually drive that car...)
98. Keep in touch with old friends better and be more thoughtful.
99. Spend as much time with my family as possible!
100. Have this baby safely and quickly as I am losing my patience with bed rest and thinking of all the packing and preparing for our move I really should be doing...


I am Laura said...

I don't see the list, am I an idiot. It is fun to do and think about.

beckee said...

Hey-OK-so the list wasn't up and working until right now...sorry! I just messed up and published too early...

The Mercer Family said...

Sorry about your aunt. Congratulations on your 4th. You're a pro now! How exciting for you guys. I'm glad to see you have a blog that I can keep updated now! Good to hear from you! I bet on the 15th of May for the baby! :)) Good luck!

I am Laura said...

Good luck accomplishing all these goals. Fun.

Andrea Griggs said...

I also have a list of things I want to do in this life. . . I tried to do 100, but I honestly couldn't think of any more once I got to about 58. That was fun to read.

beckee said...

Yeah-comign up with 100 was not easy-it took forever and some of them were kinda stretch near the end...It was harder than I thought. But I actually could have easily done well over 100 if I had chosen to list each place I want to travel to individually (I only listed a few specific ones...) and if I had listed seperately all the musicals I wanted to star in and all that stuff...

Woodbury Fam said...

Lists are so fun, but mine is more in my head. I should write it down. I was so sorry to hear about your aunt Cathy, she was a great friend to you I know.

Stefanie said...

I especially appreciate #95

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