Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Winter Wonderland

If you do not live in Spokane, you may not be aware that we were slammed in a huge storm this week (huge for Spokane anyway). We are expected to get more snow through Saturday. Evidently the last time the Spokane School District closed school was for a day was during a huge ice storm in 1996. Well, they cancelled school yesterday and today (this is significant to me because our preschool closes when the district closes). Church was even cancelled on Sunday! It has been crazy. We had a crazy weekend besides that, but I won't go into that. I just wanted to share the pictures I took from our house.

This is the view of our parking lot from our front door. My van is all snowy even in the carport because of the blowing snow!
The snow bunny Wes, Solace, and Ender made while Armour and I napped on Sunday. (Thanks to the neighbors for the button eyes).
Another minivan that didn't have a carport to park under...
Also just out our front door.
Looking out the side window of the house.
Looking out from the parking lot (you can see the snow bunny on the left)
The trees in the back.
Armour standing by the back sliding door (notice Solace's picture says "Armour"). I was trying to get a good comparison picture of Armour to the snow height to show just how deep it is, but it didn't work right. Trust me, it is deep!
There he is again (sans identifying picture)

Our lovely little grill on the back porch.
Out the back door.
Solace and Armour venture out (again I wanted to show how deep it was on Solace, but it is cold and icy enough that she wasn't sinking into it real far...)
Another Sol pic.
If you wondered where Ender was the whole time the others were outside...
(He loves pbskids.org and would rather play on it than do anything else right now...)
I guess its true what they say, it ain't over til it's over...

Happy Winter Spokane!

1 comment:

Andrea Griggs said...

I read about your storm-it was on CNN. We got a pretty good storm too. It was so bad, I couldn't even see the front of my truck, it took me 15 minutes to drive to Jaxon's school to pick him up.

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