Thursday, August 30, 2007


So, I have about an hour I can use here on my blog before I have to get going on other things, and I have a lot to say. If you are a regular reader of this blog (do regular readers of this blog actually exist?!) you might be thinking, "man, where has Beckee gone? Is she on vacation again?" No, I am not, I am just busy busy busy! I cannot believe how much crap I am doing now. For the first time ever I am sending my kids to school-preschool, and I am nervous and excited for them to start next week. We have been getting ready for that, going to meet the teacher picnic and filling out tons of paperwork. Wes has been busy on "Med A" which is basically an internal medicine rotation. It wasn't too bad the first week...more on that in a minute. So, in the midst of all this chaos of our house, I decided to go ahead and audition for this Sacred Heart Follies show. It is the first audition and show I have done since I had kids. I have been a wreck this week trying to do auditions (and let me tell you-these are truly not even high pressure auditions), and feeling like I am really putting a strain on my family by trying to do it. I am still not sure it was the best choice to do as I will have to get help from all my new friends to watch my kids as I rehearse and perform over the next 3 weeks. It is making me a wreck thinking about asking for help. I HATE asking people to help me-especially with things as crazy huge as "hey can my kids come over and sleep at your house for a night or two in 3 weeks cause my husband will be on ER overnight and I will be in rehearsals and performances until 1 am?" It is stressful, but I love to perform, and this was something Wes thought I should audition for, and it is only 3 weeks or craziness-just wish it didn't fall at such a hard time! The dumbest thing is that I am 99.9% sure I am only going to be in the chorus (not because I am not good enough, but because of a bunch of other things) anyway which hardly seem worth all this. Well, such is life! We will see how this all goes! Oh-the thing about Wes's schedule is that it was pretty good last week, then this week when I have had auditions and preschool picnics, he has been slammed with work and stuck at the hospital later and later...I fear this is what all rehearsal nights will be like...thus needing help from every person I know in Spokane (so as not to overwhelm just one nice person)....AHHHHHH...

1 comment:

Andrea Griggs said...

Good for you, I often think about auditioning for something, but never do. Hopefully things will work out and it'll be good and fun for everyone!

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